O projektu

Údaje ze zdrojů, jako je Evropský červený seznam motýlů, ukazují negativní trendy v počtu hmyzu v Evropě, ve skutečnosti více než 30 % taxonů vykazuje regresi. Jedním z nejohroženějších motýlů v Evropě je jasoň červenooký (Parnassius apollo). Jeho početnost se za posledních 25 let snížila o 20 – 50 %.

Cílem tohoto mezinárodního projektu je obnovit populace jasoně červenookého ve 3 funkčních oblastech: v kontinentálním bioregionu Sudety a Bílé Karpaty a posílení rakouské populace v alpském bioregionu.

První svého druhu

V rámci projektu budou vytvořeny 3 další chovné farmy a 3 nové funkční oblasti, které upevní populace v přírodních podmínkách, a také nejméně 38 „nášlapných kamenů“, které zajistí migrační koridory druhů mezi novými lokalitami. Projekt je tedy prvním, který realizuje testovací a pilotní opatření pro další rozvoj populací v bioregionech prostřednictvím:

  • Obnovení populací v Polsku a v Česku v kontinentálním bioregionu a posílení rakouské populace v alpském bioregionu
  • Vytvoření ucelené metodiky ochrany jasoně červenookého v kontinentálním bioregionu
  • Zvýšení ochrany rozmnožovacích a potravních stanovišť jasoně červenookého
  • Vytváření ekologických koridorů
  • Zvyšování povědomí o ochraně a údržbě stanovišť a druhu
  • Posílení zapojení společnosti do ochrany druhu


❄️Happy Winter Holidays from the LIFEApollo2020 team!☃️

As 2024 comes to an end, we want to thank you for your continued support in our mission to protect the Parnassius apollo. This year has been full of dedicated fieldwork, habitat restoration, reintroductions, and educational activities, all aimed at ensuring a better future for this unique species and its fragile ecosystems. Looking ahead to 2025, we’re eager to continue building on this progress with new initiatives, updates, and milestones to share with you along the way.

We wish you a joyful and peaceful holiday season and look forward to sharing new updates, stories, and achievements in the year to come. 

#LIFEApollo2020 #LIFEprogramme #ApolloOnHolidays #Conservation #HappyHolidays
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🐛In 2024, Education and Information Centre White Carpathians continued its mission to raise awareness about our Apollo:

🌼6 New Apollo Gardens: Raised beds with nectar-rich flowers for butterflies and stonecrop for caterpillars were created with schools and communities. Students brought and decorated stones, sowed seeds, and learned how to support butterfly habitats hands-on.

🎓Engaging Activities: Pupils acted out the butterfly life cycle, created and tasted “nectar,” and built garden beds, making conservation both fun and educational.

📢Awareness Events:
👉A seminar brought together 60 participants from the Czech and Slovak Republics.
👉Visitors at the House of Nature enjoyed Apollo-themed games, workshops, and activities.
👉Senior citizens, officials, and international students learned about Apollo conservation through talks and visits to the breeding station.

The @LIFEApollo2020 project proves that collaboration between experts, schools, and communities can make a real difference in protecting nature. 

#LIFEApollo2020 #LIFEprogramme #education4all #WhiteCarpathians #NatureConservation
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🚌A Mobile Nature Classroom on Wheels 

Our Czech partner, @skupinajaro.cz has been actively engaging communities with their innovative Eco Caravan, a travelling educational trailer that promotes environmental awareness and the conservation of various endangered species, including the iconic Parnassius apollo and our #LIFEApollo2020 project.

In summer, the Eco Caravan visited several events, inspiring children and adults alike. With interactive exhibits and engaging activities, visitors learned about protecting nature and creating wildlife-friendly spaces, including habitats for butterflies. The Eco Caravan featured a unique Nature Protector's Path, where participants could complete tasks to earn small rewards – making conservation education fun and memorable for all ages.

The Eco Caravan will be back next year, with plans for even more events to inspire communities across Czechia.

#lifeapollo2020 #LIFEprogramme #FollowApollo #ecoeducation #environmentalawareness
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🌿 A Conservation Milestone: Apollo has returned to two Austrian habitats! 🦋

We’re thrilled to announce a success from our #LIFEApollo2020 project: Parnassius apollo has been reintroduced to Leisach (East Tyrol) and Rheindamm (Vorarlberg) in Austria! These butterflies, once lost to these areas, are back thanks to dedicated breeding, teamwork, habitat restoration, and monitoring.

🏔 Leisach: The Tyrolean Jewel
In the Tyrolean Alps, the rocky slopes of Leisach now host Apollo butterflies after:
- Halting glyphosate use near railway tracks.
- Planting 500+ Sedum plants as a food source.
- Reintroducing 140 caterpillars between 2023 and 2024.

🌊 Rheindamm: A Restored Haven Along the River Rhine
This flood control dam in Vorarlberg has become a sanctuary for Apollo through:
- Planting 700+ Sedum plants to ensure food supply.
- Releasing 550 eggs and 230 caterpillars between 2023 and 2024.

🌟 Why This Matters
The Apollo butterfly’s return is more than just a conservation win—it’s a symbol of hope. Restoring these habitats protects not only this species but a network of life, ensuring biodiversity thrives. Visit these habitats in spring or summer, and you might spot the next generation of caterpillars (larvae) and adults (imagines)—proof that with care, nature can heal.

🚀 What’s Next in Austria?
The journey doesn’t end here—it’s just the beginning. The European Wilderness Society is committed to self-sustaining Apollo populations across Austria by:
- Planting Sedum and nectar plants.
- Debushing to maintain open habitats.
- Expanding reintroductions to new sites.
- Collaborating with landowners to secure conservation.
- Promoting insect-friendly grazing and mowing methods.

This hard work ensures a brighter future for Apollo and the ecosystems they call home.

Read more on our Project’s website! https://parnassius-apollo.life/a-conservation-milestone-apollo-successfully-reintroduced-in-austrias-first-two-habitats

#Reintroduction #ApolloButterfly #ConservationWin #LIFEApollo2020 #NatureComeback #lifeprogramme
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