Data from sources such as the European Red List of Butterflies indicate negative trends in the number of insects in Europe, in fact over 30% of taxa show regression. One of the most threatened butterflies in Europe is Parnassius apollo. Its decrease in numbers during the last 25 years is 20-50%.
The aim of this international project is to recreate the Parnassius apollo populations in 3 functional areas: Sudetes and White Carpathians in the Continental bioregion and strengthen the Austrian population in the Alpine bioregion.
The first of its kind
During the project, 3 additional breeding farms and 3 new functional areas will be created to anchor the populations in natural conditions, as well as at least 38 “stepping stone sites” to secure species migration corridors between the new sites. The project is therefore the first to implement test and pilot actions for further population development in the bioregions by:
- Recreating of populations in Poland, Czechia in the Continental bioregion and strengthening the Austrian population in the Alpine bioregion
- Creating a coherent methodology for Apollo butterfly protection in the Continental bioregion
- Improving habitat quality of the species such as protecting breeding habitats and feeding grounds
- Creating ecological corridors
- Raising awareness towards the conservation and maintenance of habitats and of the species
- Strengthening social involvement in species protection
the_real_parnassius_apollo Aug 20
🌄 In June, the Krkonoše Mountains briefly became a refuge for the rare red-eyed Apollo butterfly, which disappeared from Czech nature nearly a hundred years ago. This iconic Ice Age relic faces significant threats due to habitat loss and climate change. Our colleagues in the Krkonoše region have therefore restored an environment where the Apollo butterfly could thrive.
🦋 A total of 100 male Apollos were released into this environment, which raised some concerns. Critics feared that the males would search for females and leave the area, potentially distorting the project’s results.
🕵️♂️ However, data from monitoring showed that these concerns were unfounded. The male butterflies stayed on site and exhibited typical behavior, including patrolling and territorial battles. Monitoring confirmed positive results, showing that the males remained vital for a long time and adapted well to their new environment.
✅ In short, the monitoring showed excellent results, and we can consider the management phase of the project focused on adult butterflies a success (though it’s not yet finished!). But that’s not all—we still need to ensure there’s enough space for the Apollo`s host plants. This is another reason why we haven’t fully released the butterflies yet; everything must be perfect to ensure this demanding butterfly thrives in the Krkonoše Mountains.
❤️ The main partner in restoring Krkonoše habitats, not only for the red-eyed Apollo but also for many other sensitive species, is the ŠKODA AUTO Endowment Fund. This year’s rescue breeding was also supported by the Tipsport Foundation—thank you! 🤍
#LIFEApollo2020 #LIFEproject #LIFEprogramme #parnassiusapollo #apollobutterfly #followapollo #citizenscience #inaturalist ...
the_real_parnassius_apollo Aug 13
🐛🦋Even though the main monitoring season is coming to an end, you still have a chance to spot Apollo butterflies in some places in Austria! Whether you`re on vacation or live nearby, you might encounter these incredible creatures in our high-elevation project areas, such as Virgen, Hinterbichl, or Mörtschach. Based on last year’s data from enthusiastic Citizen Scientists (check out their great photos), you might also find them at the following locations in Austria, where they were still flying in August:
🌄Potential Spots:
• Weißenbachtal, Oberösterreich
• Gmunden Traunstein, Oberösterreich
• Schöckl, Steiermark
• Loseralm, Steiermark
• Ötscher, Niederösterreich
• Langau Scheiblingstein, Niederösterreich
Thanks to our ongoing collaboration with @bluehendesoesterreich, these observations are documented through their Schmetterlinge Österreich app. All the great photos you see are from this platform.
Don’t forget, we are also collecting information on stonecrop sightings in Czechia and both Apollo and stonecrop observations in Poland. If you spot any of these, please add your findings to our ArcGIS surveys ( and @inaturalistorg (search for `LIFE Citizen Science for Parnassius apollo`).
Your careful observation helps us protect Apollo`s habitat. And if you haven’t yet joined our Citizen Science community, now is the perfect time to get involved!
#CitizenScience #LIFEApollo2020 #LIFEprogramme #followapollo #NatureConservation #BlühendesÖsterreich #SchmetterlingeÖsterreich #inaturalist #ArcGISsurveys ...
the_real_parnassius_apollo Aug 8
🦋In Poland, Klub Przyrodnikow and @karkonoski_pn developed a volunteering program where volunteers helped with the Apollo adult monitoring. Read about the volunteering experiences in the article on our website!
➡ Link in Bio
Do we see you next year volunteering in Poland? 😎
#LIFEApollo2020 #LIFEproject #LIFEprogramme #Parnassiusapollo #ApolloButterfly #volunteering #Poland ...
the_real_parnassius_apollo Aug 6
🌞Now online: part two of the science-based article series about 𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘶𝘴 𝘢𝘱𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘰. This time, it is about how climate change affects 𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘶𝘴 𝘢𝘱𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘰 populations.
Read it on our website:
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