For the project to be successful, it is essential that we know exactly where the Apollo butterfly is in our project countries Austria, Poland and the Czech Republic and also where suitable habitats would be for it. Since many eyes see better than only those of the project team, it’s your turn now.
Help us to collect data about the Apollo butterfly and its feeding plants!
Where to look for the Apollo butterfly
Parnassius apollo is a butterfly of the temperate climate zone, a typical mountain species that prefers the meadows and pastures of the mountains of continental Europe and Asia. Usually, it occurs at relatively high altitudes (from 400 to 2300 m above sea level).
Feeding plants to scout

What to do with your observation
Take a photo and join our project on iNauralist – just search for LIFE Citizen Science for Parnassius apollo and enter your observation there. This way we can collect all data from all observers in the three countries in one place, which will make it easier for us to evaluate.
Thank you for your valuable contribution!

Please note that not every stonecrop found in nature can be reliably identified
#followapollo and the efforts of our team! Combined skills in breeding, conservation of habitats, research, environmental education, and project management constitute a great combination for the success of our LIFE project
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