Release of 50 Apollo butterflies in Czechia!

On Wednesday, June 12, 2024, the Czech partner JARO released 50 Parnassius apollo butterflies into the Krkonoše mountains! They set out to inspect the quality of the environment, which we have been preparing for them in cooperation with many partners for the third year as part of the LIFE Apollo2020 project.

David Číp from the International Conservation Group JARO told that the release of the Parnassius apollo into the wild was preceded by the modification of a selected and undisclosed location to suit the butterfly, which is at risk of extinction in the Czech Republic and abroad. The organizers of the project perceive this butterfly, which became extinct in the Czech Republic in 1935, as a symbol of the protection of mountain nature. In the 1980s, it was managed to return to Štramberk in northern Moravia, where a weak population still lives.

“Now, together with the KRNAP Administration, the Škoda Auto Foundation and other partners, we are trying to return him to Bohemia, where he last lived in the Krkonoše and Podkrkonoše about 100 years ago. We have been trying for the return of rare ash trees for the third year,” said David Číp. Last year, an attempt at the first test release of butterflies failed due to complications at the butterfly rescue station. “However, the breeding technology was modified, so this year the third generation hatched, which can finally go out,” said Číp.

Conservationists will observe whether the butterflies will thrive in the restored conditions of the Krkonoše nature. “The experts we work with believe that we have managed to restore the conditions for Parnassius apollo in the field to such an extent that it could be enough for the Apollos to stay in the place we are preparing for them after release,” said project coordinator Tereza Macečková from the Group JARO.

So far, conservationists have released only males, so that possible losses of difficult-to-bring individuals are as small as possible. “Females are the most valuable for further breeding. However, if the released males are kept, they start behaving naturally, looking for females that hatch only after the males in the wild, and they stay here for several days after release, the chances of their permanent settlement will be much greater,” said Číp.

According to him, next year it will make sense to release the females as well and try to move to the last final phase of the project, when the Apollos could start to reproduce in the wild. “At the moment, we are roughly half way there, although perhaps the hardest part is behind us,” said JARO Group butterfly breeder Miloš Andres. According to him, the breeding of rare species of butterflies is very demanding, even if it is “only” about rearing the eggs to the adult stage. The most demanding task, which takes several years, he identified as the preparation of the environment for the butterflies in combination with their release without the need for additional reinforcements from breeding.

Conservationists keep the butterflies secret instead of releasing them to prevent them from being caught by a collector. They wrote a number on the top of each butterfly’s wings. “It is both for the sake of records, but also for their protection. They are so worthless to potential collectors,” said Číp.

Last year, conservationists in the Krkonoše improved about a hectare of overgrown rocky terrain and already noticed the spread of rare species of flowering plants and insects, which occur sporadically in the Krkonoše due to lack of space. The project is also focused on the restoration of entire biotopes, taking care of Parnassius apollo helps to protect other sensitive species. “Hopefully the released males will give us hope that we are moving in the right direction and we will have the chance to meet this beautiful butterfly in the Krkonoše Mountains permanently,” added Radek Drahný, spokesman for the KRNAP Administration.

The practical part of the LIFE Apollo2020 international project to protect the Apollos, one of Europe’s most endangered butterflies, started in 2022 in several areas of Central Europe. The mission for his return to the Krkonoše Mountains is carried out by members of the JARO Group in cooperation with the Czech and Polish Krkonoše Mountains National Park, the Nature and Landscape Protection Agency and a number of other Czech and foreign organizations.

The mission for the return of the king of butterflies to the Krkonoše Mountains will be implemented from 2021 by members of the JARO Group in cooperation with the Administration of the Giant Mountains National Park, the Nature and Landscape Protection Agency, members of the Czech Entomological Society, employees of the Entomological Institute of the Biological Center of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and partner organizations from Poland, Czechia and Austria.

Nature Restoration Law adopted: what this breaking news means

On 17th of June 2024 – breaking news was announced- the EU Council adopted the Nature Restoration Law. This piece of news has a major meaning for all EU citizens and all species including pollinators

NRL has been sealed after the long process of negotiation

Nature Restoration Law,  called shortly NRL, aims at the restoration of the EU’s land and sea ecosystems. Its goal is to reverse the severe decline of the EU’s nature where currently only 15 % of habitats are in good condition. NRL, for the first time in history, obliges states to put adequate measures in place to restore ecosystems – precisely at least 20% of the EU’s land and sea areas by 2030, at least 60% by 2040, and at least 90% by 2050.

For the first time in history, legally binding targets aiming at ecosystem restoration will be introduced in the EU at this scale. The NRL was being prepared and negotiated for a very long time. It passed through many changes in the process to finally be voted in the EU Parliament in November 2023. Even though, the new regulation has been passed in the EU parliament, it was waiting to be adopted by the EU Council until now. Thanks to the change in vote from the side of Austria and Slovakia, the required majority has been obtained and Nature Restoration Law has been sealed.

Importance of the NRL for Parnassius apollo and all other pollinators.

This law will play a major role in the restoration of all ecosystems and support all species. Here few aspects of how it will impact wild pollinators:

-Major threats for pollinators, such as fragmentation of habitats and low biodiversity in agricultural land areas will be now addressed systemically and real measures will have to be introduced by states to prevent and reverse these processes.

-States will need to put measures in place to reverse the declining trend of pollinators by 2030.

-States will need to plan and submit national restoration plans to the EU Commission, showing how they will deliver on the targets.

-As states will need to measure the accomplishment of the targets, data about pollinators can become a very important source of information for evaluation for them.

-The Grassland Butterfly Index will be optional to measure the biodiversity enhancement in farmland areas, which gives importance to pollinators as indicators of biodiversity.

Parnassius apollo in its historical habitat, Natura 2000 area. Poland. Photo by:Julia Hava,

What can we contribute as one of LIFE’s projects 

There are different ways in which LIFE projects can contribute to a larger perspective. Through providing data, developing and communicating best practices for conservation, and sharing experiences built through cooperation with a very diverse stakeholder network.

Data on pollinators, so on meadows and grasslands are important to monitor conditions in the proximity of and on agricultural land.  LIFE projects build best practices – for example on grazing to enhance the biodiversity of grassland, and need to adjust agro-environmental schemes for extensive grazing for these solutions to become reliable sources of income for farmers and therefore more popular solutions.

Grazing for conservation

As part of the LIFE Apollo2020 project, we work to improve conditions in grassland habitats and cooperate with multiple stakeholders: public and private, including forestry, farmers, owners of quarries and local citizens. We collaborate with all of them to build a network of habitats for the species. We also spread knowledge on the value of having biodiverse ecosystems and the many advantages of having diverse species as neighbours.

We collect the best practices on grasslands and Apollo conservation. In collaboration with all these stakeholders, we navigate challenges and look for solutions which can benefit local communities and different species. Without dialogue with all these stakeholders, our conservation actions would not have a chance to last. We will be happy to contribute our experiences and knowledge to help reverse the fragmentation of habitats, which is a serious threat to so many species.

The landscape mosaic with diverse connected natural habitats is what many species miss to be able to choose the most suitable spot for their activities – whether to hide from the heat, escape the flood or just feed. Connected habitats also ensure the possibility for migration of the species to find new locations/partners. Nature Restoration Law will be a very important step to be able to recreate secure and healthy conditions for different species to live, including us – citizens.

Knowledge of habitats lies on many levels, including local knowledge. Those working on the LIFE projects have a chance to collect very diverse experiences and have a significant role to play as a messenger between local, scientific, national and international levels. As one of LIFE projects – we are here to contribute in this messenger role. We encourage everyone to document and exchange knowledge. 

We are restoring the splendour of Kruczy Kamień nature reserve, PL

We are restoring the splendour of Kruczy Kamień nature reserve – the most important place for the Apollo butterfly in the Polish Sudetes 

Kruczy Kamień is an inanimate nature reserve. It was established in 1954 and currently has an area of 12.61 ha. It covers western and south-western slopes of Krucza Skała (681 m above sea level) located in the Krucza Valley, in the Stone Mountains. The subject of the reserve’s protection is an interesting form of trachyte intrusion (a variety of porphyry of volcanic origin) in the sedimentary rocks of the Rotliegend. The area is made up of steep slopes with heights reaching 30 metres in places. Numerous rock formations occur here, and in many places extensive fields of rock rubble are formed as a result of the crumbling of the porphyry rock.

Most of the reserve is covered with artificially planted spruce forest. The reminder is covered mainly by rocky, xerothermic, pioneer and meadow vegetation. Among the more important habitats recorded in the reserve are ecosystems of Pontic-Pannonian character, which form a mosaic with xerothermic and rocky grasslands. At the foot of the escarpment there are rare – Subcontinental Peri-Pannonian shrubby habitats Rhamno-Prunetea thickets with numerous patches of Cotoneaster integerrimus (one of the largest in the Sudetes) and herbaceous plants. The shrubs are also accompanied by Festuco-Stipion Pannonic grasslands, with Sedum species, important for the Apollo butterfly Parnassius apollo. Habitats of ephemeral character have developed on the rock rubble layer and in rock crevices. This is the thermophilic pioneer vegetation of the rock shelves of the Alysso-Sedion association classified as Sempervivetum soboliferi complex. This habitat type is rich in the succulent species Jovibarba sobolifera, Sedum acre, Sedum maximum and Sedum album (artificially introduced). The latter two species provide a food source for the caterpillars of the Apollo butterfly. These ecosystems undergo gradual succession, becoming overgrown with taller vegetation, mainly grasses and perennials and then shrubs and trees. At the foot of the reserve there are habitats rich in nectariferous plants: patches of xerothermic grassland and herbaceous vegetation, and further on, lush and dense meadow vegetation composed largely of Centaurea and Cirsium species.

Rare plant species, including those protected by law in Poland, include: the endemic morphological form of Viola porphyrea, Cotoneaster integerrimus, Festuca pallens, Lilium martagon, Digitalis grandiflora, Melampyrum sylvaticum, Antennaria dioica and Asplenium septentrionale.

A rich insect fauna, especially butterflies, was found in the reserve. However, the most important has always been the local subspecies of the Apollo butterfly Parnassius apollo silesianus, which occurs here. This butterfly became extinct at the beginning of the 20th century, and the Krucze Mountains area was one of the last places of its occurrence in Lower Silesia. The first successful attempt to reintroduce the species in the reserve was made as early as the 1990s, and the butterflies persisted in the site for more than 10 years. Reintroduction continued in the 21st century, when breeding began as part of a project by the Fundacja Ekorozwoju, the Karkonosze National Park and the Stołowe Mountains National Park, which now continues under the Apollo2020 project. The habitat itself has also been cared for. Unfortunately, years have passed since the last conservation measures in the reserve. The sunny slopes have again become overgrown with shrubs and tree undergrowth. The thermophilic habitats have been shaded and the landslides have started to lose their dynamic character.

This winter, Klub Przyrodników carried out conservation measures in the reserve that will help to preserve and, in places, restore its peculiar charm. An area of approximately 1.7 hectares was cleared of shrubs (with the exception of Cotoneaster integerrimus), as well as tree undergrowth, including some larger specimens, the seeds of which are spreading along the slopes of Krucze Kamień reinforcing the succession process. Our further aim is to maintain the effects of these activities and stop the regrowth of felled shrubs and trees by grazing goats. 

In spring, Apollo caterpillars can be seen in the reserve, which have hatched from the eggs laid by butterflies last year, and every summer, the spectacle of philutically flying Apollo butterfly plays out before our eyes on the slopes of the reserve and in the meadow at its foot. Our dream is to establish a permanent population of the species in the reserve, which will only need our help to cut the bushes.

Outdoor season in Austria has officially started!

The snow has started to melt in the Alps, which means that the outdoor work season for the Apollo butterfly in Austrian habitats could officially begin. With the great help of volunteers, the Austrian team (EWS) has started the crucial task of debushing in two Apollo habitats – Lofer, Salzburg, and Fieberbrunn, Tyrol.

With warm and sunny weather on our side, we focused on clearing away overgrown bushes and trees to uncover the rocky slopes beneath. These rocky slopes are vital for the survival of Apollo caterpillars, as they provide the perfect environment for the caterpillars to thrive. The exposed slopes are ideal for the growth of Sedum plants, which are the main food source for the caterpillars. Keeping these areas free of excessive bush growth is important to maintaining a suitable habitat for the caterpillars.

In addition to our debushing efforts, we planted various Sedum species (Sedum sexangulare and Sedum album) to ensure the caterpillars have plenty of food. This step is needed for helping the caterpillars grow into healthy pupae and eventually transform into imagines. To support the adult butterflies, we also sowed seeds of nectar-producing plants, ensuring that there will be nectar sources available when the butterflies emerge.

The highlight of the day was discovering numerous Apollo caterpillars within the habitat. In Lofer, Salzburg. We saw them actively crawling and feeding on the Sedum plants, which was an exciting confirmation that our conservation measures are already paying off.

During our work, we had the pleasure of meeting a group of children and their teacher. The kids were eager to learn about the Parnassius apollo butterflies, their feeding plants, and our conservation efforts. Their enthusiasm and curiosity has again assured us how important is to involve and educate also the younger generation about environmental conservation.

Looking ahead, we are excited for the rest of the spring and summer seasons. We will continue our efforts to maintain and improve the habitats, ensuring that the Apollo butterflies have a thriving environment.

The rescue mission for Apollo continues in Czechia

Last year, our Czech partner ČSOP Hradec Králové managed to light up (not only) over a hectare of densely overgrown rocky terrain for Parnassius apollo, which was covered with impenetrable trees and thickets up to 15 metres high. But our efforts did not end there! Thanks to long-term support from the Škoda Auto Foundation and a partnership with the KRNAP administration, this winter we have managed to open an area that is now two to three times larger than some of the sites where Apollo still survives in Slovakia or Poland.

The work is really extreme and dangerous, and in some places you literally have to do magic on a rope. Through the Krakonoš Gardens project, we have been able to purchase special equipment that allows us to safely reach even the most inaccessible places.

And that’s not all. So far we’ve only focused on one main location, but in the coming period we’ll start preparing a second home for the Butterfly King, which is nearby. We have also walked the surrounding area in detail, mapping the occurrence of both feeding and nectar plants, as well as the surrounding meadows and potential corridors that can serve as a network of stepping stones for the Apollo. These are the kind of microhabitats that help the butterfly king to cross the road when travelling to a new home or mate. It’s a bit like imagining the stones you use to hop from one side of a river to the other.

We’re looking forward to getting the place all smelling and buzzing. Last year, the restored rocky areas have already attracted various species of flowering plants and insects, which had not had enough space and light here before, including, for example, Hornet moth tied to the Spurges or Zygaena ephialtes, which was known on the Czech and Polish side of the Krkonoše Mountains from only one location, although it used to be common here in the past. And thanks to the new finds of rare butterflies last year, it is now indisputable that the activities aimed at the return of Parnassius apollo are helping several of the rarest butterfly species in the Krkonoše Mountains, such as the least and forest Small blue or the Silver-spotted skipper, to survive.

Apollo, as this massive mountain butterfly is also called after the god Apollo, is facing great difficulties today. Its numbers are declining rapidly across central Europe due to deteriorating conditions in its natural habitat, which are affected by both human activity and climate change. Even in the aforementioned sites in Poland and Slovakia, it is no longer thriving, mainly due to the abandonment of traditional farming practices, where excess and sprawling plants were regulated primarily by grazing animals. Last year, Parnassius apollo numbers declined by somewhere up to 90%. This project could thus play a key role in conserving the Central European gene pool of this iconic species and maintaining the population of this butterfly in our region.

The caterpillars of the next generation of Apollo hatched from eggs in the rescue kennel a few weeks ago, and now there are hundreds of them. The actual hatching of the butterflies could take place in June, after which we plan the first experimental release of males at the Krkonoše sites where the field work mentioned last year took place. It does not make much sense to reshape the habitat according to the so-called “human view”, even if we are convinced that our efforts are correct. By observing certain behavioural traits of butterflies, which they can demonstrate directly in the field, we can learn from unnecessary mistakes and guide our efforts in the right direction.

Outreach activities in White Carpathians

As our project continues, so does our centre (Education and information centre Bílé Karpaty) continue to create educational and teaching aids. But how to test if these tools work as we imagined? The best way, of course, is to try them out directly while working with the children for whom they are primarily intended. The best time for such a trial is when setting up the Apollo Gardens, which have been introduced on this website before (for example, in the article Two Apollo Gardens built).

We have managed to build four such gardens in the past year, each in partnership with a school. All four gardens are raised beds that we have constructed in a pre-selected location. The rest was up to the children. With undisguised joy and enthusiasm, the children became gardeners and filled the bed with soil and levelled its surface. They then placed larger and smaller stones, which they had brought themselves, on a part of the bed to create a small rock garden. They poured silica sand into the slits between the stones.

Then came the main thing. Since the Apollo Gardens are meant to be an environment for both adult butterflies and their caterpillars, the prepared bed needed to be enlivened with nectarous plants for the adult butterflies and host plants for the caterpillars. The children planted white stonecrop plants in the sand of the rock garden and randomly planted small common houseleek among them. Although it is not an important food plant for caterpillars, caterpillars can occasionally use it and it is a nice diversion to the rock garden. Next to the rock garden, the children planted great stonecrop – another important food plant for caterpillars.

What about the rest of the bed area? The children had already guessed that the flowering plants that the adult butterflies need to live would come here. We provided meadow plant mix seeds for this purpose. A significant part of this mixture consisted of seeds of the Apollo´s favourite plants (various pink and purple flowering plants) and the rest of the seeds were other meadow plants to make the bed more varied, attractive to other pollinators and to keep it flowering for as long as possible.

An indispensable part of creating each bed was the time we spent with the children talking about the life cycle of butterflies, their importance in nature and other things. Of course, we also introduced in detail our main hero, the Apollo butterfly, the reasons why it has disappeared from our nature and how we can help it. At this point it was also our turn to try out some of the tools we had already created. A great success was always achieved by the Apollo pupa, several meters long, which the children climbed through, and on the other side, an adult Apollo emerged from them. Equally enthusiastic was the preparation of a sweet drink (represented nectar in flowers for the adult butterflies) and tattoos with all the developmental stages of the Apollo.

We have not only used the tools and materials to build Apollo Gardens, but also at several other events for the public. The children enjoyed the activities and we believe they will not forget Apollo right away. Among other things, it was confirmed to us that even ordinary coloring according to a template still has its charm and can entertain children.

Learn about butterflies day: how the evolution of Lepidoptera contributed to a world full of colors

Today is the Learn about butterflies day! Let us dive a little bit into the evolutionary history of butterflies, and we can readily establish that indeed these insects should be celebrated! One of many reasons why, is the fact that without them, the world would not have been as brightly colored as it is now.

The order Lepidoptera

Lepidoptera, the order of insects which includes butterflies and moths, is one of the largest and most widespread insect orders in the world, with about 160,000 described species. In the last decades, research to Lepidoptera evolution has become more and more advanced ( The first research started in the 1970s with morphological studies, i.e., research into the shape and form of Lepidoptera species to classify them in different classes. Later, research advanced to the use of molecular techniques to acquire elaborate data on DNA sequences. This enabled researchers to classify about 46 superfamilies within the Lepidoptera group.

The oldest Lepidopteran fossil is from an organism living in the early Jurassic (193 million years ago). Unfortunately, the Lepidopteran fossil record is limited due to the high fragility of the scale-covered wings and bodies. Still, data suggests that the Lepidoptera order played a huge role in the large-scale radiation and diversification of angiosperms (flowering plants). Angiosperms are now the most diverse and largest group within the plant kingdom, with about 300.000 species, representing 80% of all known green plants. They are the plants that produce flowers and seeds.


But how can butterflies influence the formation of so many different species of flowering plants? This happened because of the process of coevolution. Coevolution is the evolutionary change of multiple populations or species as a result of the interactions between those populations or species. Butterflies feed on nectar, which could be produced by the angiosperms. Angiosperms are insect-pollinated plants, meaning that the transport of reproductive material relies on insect traffic going from one plant to another. So, both species groups depend on each other to survive and reproduce. This led to the opportunity for even more specific plant-pollinator  interactions. 

A pollinator can be generalized, i.e., it can feed on multiple species of nectariferous plants, or it can be specialized, i.e., it has specific features that are compatible with only one nectariferous species. The same applies for the plants, they can be pollinated by several species or they can be specialized and adapt in such a way that only one pollinator species can pollinate. Being a specializer, both as a pollinator and as a plant, comes with certain advantages. For the plant, pollination can become more efficient and less pollen is wasted. For the pollinator, a ‘private’ food source means less competition with other species. This ‘selective advantage’ to become specializers led to the great diversification of Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) and angiosperms (flowering plants). 

Coevolution: P. apollo and its host plants

What does this mean for the Apollo butterfly and its host plants? The Apollo butterfly lives on open, rocky slopes and alpine meadows in the mountains. It is specialized to feed on the plants that occur in these habitats and the plants depend on the Apollo for pollination and thereby their reproduction. This shows the delicate interactive balance between flora and fauna in these ecosystems, and the necessity to preserve all the important actors.

So let’s celebrate today as The learn about butterflies day and take some time to appreciate their role in the evolution of flowers!

To extra celebrate the Apollo butterfly, you can now test your knowledge in a quiz! Browse our website for information if you do not know the answer and try to get as many points as possible. 

Who do you think came first, the butterfly or the flowering plant?

Öbb goes glyphosate-free: a win for Apollo!

What is glyphosate?

Glyphosate is the active ingredient used in herbicides. It is used for example in Roundup, from which you may have heard because it is a globally used and discussed herbicide. Glyphosate is a chemical compound that inhibits a certain enzyme in plants and is used to kill plants that are seen as weeds, especially in agriculture. Agricultural crops can be genetically engineered to be glyphosate-resistant, enabling farmers to use it without damaging their own crops.  But it is also used in, for example, home gardening and weed control by local governments in cities and villages. 

Glyphosate was first brought to the market to be used as herbicide in 1974 as Roundup by Monsanto in the United States. Now, glyphosate is one of the most widely used herbicides in the world. 

Glyphosate, trains, and half-time

The Austrian railway company, Öbb, used glyphosate to keep the train tracks free from plants. From 2022 onwards, they adapted an environment-friendly strategy of using glyphosate-free products. Where in 2021 Öbb used 5.3 tons of glyphosate on the train tracks, in 2022 this was zero. 

An interesting fact about glyphosate is that its ‘half-life’ (the time needed to reduce the initial amount by half) is typically about 47 days in the field (although this varies dependent on the type of soil). But if we take into account the 47 days, this would mean that now in the beginning 2024, two years later, there is only little glyphosate from the 5.3 tons of glyphosate sprayed in 2021 left, because the initial amount has halved about 17 times!  

Good news for P. Apollo and other insects

The decision to go glyphosate-free by the Öbb is good news for insects in Austria. Glyphosate not only destructs suitable habitats for butterflies and insects by killing the plants they feed and lay eggs on, it also impacts the fauna on a more chemical level. 

Glyphosate inhibits the production of Melanin, which is a pigment found in all life kingdoms. Melanin plays an important role in a diverse range of biological functions. For example, we produce melanin in our skin to for UV protection. In insects, melanin plays a crucial role in the immune system. During melanization (the process of making of melanin), several chemical components resulting from this process are used to defend the organism from harmful bacteria, fungi, and other pathogens. The inhibition of melanization leads to a higher susceptibility to pathogens in insects and thereby increasing mortality and decreasing population sizes.

The inhibition of melanin is only one reason why glyphosate is harmful for insects. Studies suggest that there are even more pathways of how glyphosate use leads to increased insect mortality. This highlights why it is such good news for PApollo and other insects that Öbb stopped using glyphosate.

Rest of Europe?

The debate in Europe about the use of glyphosate is still ongoing. Unfortunately, the European Commission has reauthorized the herbicide for another 10 years. There are several initiatives going on to legally challenge this decision, such as this one by the Pesticide Action Network Europe.

In Austria, the government voted for a partial ban on glyphosate in 2021, meaning that there is a usage ban in ‘sensitive’ areas and for private use. However, the professional use of glyphosate, including agriculture, remains allowed. 

Hopefully, more companies will independently decide to stop using glyphosate, just as Öbb did!

Do you want to know more about the effect of glyphosate on insects? Leave a comment!

Summary of Apollo EduActivities in Austria 2023

The LIFEApollo2020 project includes educational activities aiming at raising awareness about the need of preserving the Parnassius apollo butterfly. This species serves as an umbrella species, meaning its well-being reflects the overall health of its habitat. By focusing on the conservation of this flagship species, the project indirectly addresses the conservation needs of the entire ecosystem it inhabits. Moreover, the project emphasizes inclusivity by actively involving the broader community in environmental conservation efforts and promoting social responsibility. Through workshops and hands-on activities, participants are engaged in learning about the life cycle and ecological significance of the Apollo butterfly.

As part of the LIFEApollo 2020 project, our Austrian partner, the European Wilderness Society, in collaboration with butterfly expert Otto Feldner, conducted  numerous engaging workshops in various Austrian schools, from kinder-gardens to high schools. These workshops were designed to capture the attention and curiosity of students and to create an interactive learning environment. 

Throughout these sessions, students were introduced to the captivating world of Apollo butterflies, delving into every stage of their life cycle, from eggs to fully developed adults. Vital topics such as habitat requirements, overwintering behaviors, and the significance of specific feeding plants essential for Apollo butterflies were covered in detail. Notably, these workshops ignited a sense of enthusiasm among students, who eagerly shared their knowledge about butterflies. This enthusiastic response underscores the importance of fostering a connection between young minds and the natural world.

The LIFEApollo2020 project also aims to build Apollo gardens, unique spaces dedicated to cultivating food plants essential for the caterpillars and butterflies of the Apollo species. In Austria, two such gardens were established, one involving secondary school students and the other engaging children from a kindergarten. These gardens not only served as educational tools but also as practical conservation measures. Students eagerly participated in their production, and during construction, the significance of plants that attract butterflies—especially the vital Sedum for the Apollo caterpillar—was highlighted. The success of the Apollo Gardens was evident through the satisfaction expressed by smiling students and teachers involved in the activity.

In Autumn, European Wilderness Society took an advantage of the chance to reach a wider audience by participating in the “Fest der Natur” event in Wels, Austria. EWS was one of more than thirty exhibitors that presented presented nature conservation initiatives. The engaging event featured interactive games and content designed to educate both younger and older about the importance and protection of the Parnassius apollo butterfly. By providing a platform for participants to actively learn and engage in nature conservation, the event highlighted the broader significance of protecting local nature and biodiversity. The positive response and varied program ensured that the project’s message resonated effectively.

Exploring the peaks and valleys: insights from the 2023 Apollo breeding season

Butterfly breeding farms typically aim to contribute to the conservation of endangered species, such as the Apollo butterfly. These farms often involve the careful cultivation of host plants, creating suitable habitats for the butterflies and implementing controlled breeding programs.

Four breeding farms are currently in operation as part of the LIFE Apollo2020 project. Two of them: in Poland (Jagniątków, Sudetes) and in Austria (Saalfelden, Alps) were already operational before the project started. The other two have been established as part of the project’s activities: the farm in Poland (Uniemyśl, Sudetes), and in Czechia (Barchov, Sudetes). As part of the project, it is also planned to run a second breeding farm in Czechia in the White Carpathians.

Breeding success in butterfly farms can be influenced by various factors, including environmental conditions. Cold weather in spring can pose a challenge to the breeding process, as it may affect the development of butterfly eggs, larvae, and pupae. Butterflies are ectothermic, meaning their body temperature is regulated by external conditions. Extreme cold can slow down their metabolic processes and developmental stages, leading to reduced breeding success. On the other hand, excessively high temperatures in the breeding season can lead to increased mortality.

In the new breeding tents, the location had to be tested and solutions relating to sunlight and thermals had to be adapted. However, even in breeding farms that have been in operation for many years, there are still situations that can come as a surprise. The climate is changing, and even in cooler mountainous regions, extremely high temperatures can occur. This past spring, however, surprised us in a different way in the Sudetes. It was rainy, cool, and there were few sunny days.

In some farms, we encountered unexpected problems related to egg and caterpillar mortality, as well as the transitional phase occurring between developmental stages and the mating process of butterflies. Certain issues were attributed to the weather conditions, particularly the excessively rainy and overcast conditions during spring and early summer. This was particularly evident in the breeding site of Uniemyśl in the Sudetes, where the phenology at all stages of the insects’ lives was delayed compared to other breeding farms.

Some of these problems, however, make us reflect on our breeding methods and will force us to make some modifications and adjustments to the breeders themselves as well as the breeding tents. Failures are a natural part of any process. They prompt us to make improvements and to create variants to deal with negative changes in external conditions. To mitigate the impact of weather, butterfly farms may implement measures such as providing sheltered environments, temperature control, and adjusting breeding schedules based on weather forecasts. Additionally, ongoing research and collaboration with experts in entomology and environmental science can contribute to better understanding and addressing the challenges faced by butterfly breeding programs.

To enhance our understanding of the breeding process and the breeding materials used, population genetic studies are conducted on the deceased specimens collected from breeding activities in Poland. Furthermore, investigations are carried out to assess the presence of diseases and parasites. Both low genetic diversity and disease factors can be the cause of a decline in breeding performance, and we need to clarify and find solutions to these issues as well. The presence of several breeders in different parts of Europe allows us to collect a lot of data on what can go wrong while securing breeding material and the possibility of exchange between breeders.

Thanks to our collaboration with breeders, last year we successfully released a total of 1240 individuals at reintroduction sites across 11 different locations in the Polish and Czech regions of the Sudetes and the Austrian Alps.

Author: Anna Bator-Kocoł