Nature Restoration Law adopted: what this breaking news means

On 17th of June 2024 – breaking news was announced- the EU Council adopted the Nature Restoration Law. This piece of news has a major meaning for all EU citizens and all species including pollinators

NRL has been sealed after the long process of negotiation

Nature Restoration Law,  called shortly NRL, aims at the restoration of the EU’s land and sea ecosystems. Its goal is to reverse the severe decline of the EU’s nature where currently only 15 % of habitats are in good condition. NRL, for the first time in history, obliges states to put adequate measures in place to restore ecosystems – precisely at least 20% of the EU’s land and sea areas by 2030, at least 60% by 2040, and at least 90% by 2050.

For the first time in history, legally binding targets aiming at ecosystem restoration will be introduced in the EU at this scale. The NRL was being prepared and negotiated for a very long time. It passed through many changes in the process to finally be voted in the EU Parliament in November 2023. Even though, the new regulation has been passed in the EU parliament, it was waiting to be adopted by the EU Council until now. Thanks to the change in vote from the side of Austria and Slovakia, the required majority has been obtained and Nature Restoration Law has been sealed.

Importance of the NRL for Parnassius apollo and all other pollinators.

This law will play a major role in the restoration of all ecosystems and support all species. Here few aspects of how it will impact wild pollinators:

-Major threats for pollinators, such as fragmentation of habitats and low biodiversity in agricultural land areas will be now addressed systemically and real measures will have to be introduced by states to prevent and reverse these processes.

-States will need to put measures in place to reverse the declining trend of pollinators by 2030.

-States will need to plan and submit national restoration plans to the EU Commission, showing how they will deliver on the targets.

-As states will need to measure the accomplishment of the targets, data about pollinators can become a very important source of information for evaluation for them.

-The Grassland Butterfly Index will be optional to measure the biodiversity enhancement in farmland areas, which gives importance to pollinators as indicators of biodiversity.

Parnassius apollo in its historical habitat, Natura 2000 area. Poland. Photo by:Julia Hava,

What can we contribute as one of LIFE’s projects 

There are different ways in which LIFE projects can contribute to a larger perspective. Through providing data, developing and communicating best practices for conservation, and sharing experiences built through cooperation with a very diverse stakeholder network.

Data on pollinators, so on meadows and grasslands are important to monitor conditions in the proximity of and on agricultural land.  LIFE projects build best practices – for example on grazing to enhance the biodiversity of grassland, and need to adjust agro-environmental schemes for extensive grazing for these solutions to become reliable sources of income for farmers and therefore more popular solutions.

Grazing for conservation in Tyrol, Austria

As part of the LIFE Apollo2020 project, we work to improve conditions in grassland habitats and cooperate with multiple stakeholders: public and private, including forestry, farmers, owners of quarries and local citizens. We collaborate with all of them to build a network of habitats for the species. We also spread knowledge on the value of having biodiverse ecosystems and the many advantages of having diverse species as neighbours.

We collect the best practices on grasslands and Apollo conservation. In collaboration with all these stakeholders, we navigate challenges and look for solutions which can benefit local communities and different species. Without dialogue with all these stakeholders, our conservation actions would not have a chance to last. We will be happy to contribute our experiences and knowledge to help reverse the fragmentation of habitats, which is a serious threat to so many species.

The landscape mosaic with diverse connected natural habitats is what many species miss to be able to choose the most suitable spot for their activities – whether to hide from the heat, escape the flood or just feed. Connected habitats also ensure the possibility for migration of the species to find new locations/partners. Nature Restoration Law will be a very important step to be able to recreate secure and healthy conditions for different species to live, including us – citizens.

Knowledge of habitats lies on many levels, including local knowledge. Those working on the LIFE projects have a chance to collect very diverse experiences and have a significant role to play as a messenger between local, scientific, national and international levels. As one of LIFE projects – we are here to contribute in this messenger role. We encourage everyone to document and exchange knowledge. 

Project Team meeting and Monitoring visit in White Carpathian Mountain range

White Carpathians – white because of white limestone and Carpathians as they are part of the Carpathians mountain range – which stretches across central and Eastern Europe crossing Austria, Czechia, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Serbia and Ukraine. 

LIFE Apollo 2020 Monitor, team, and external guests met in the Czech part of White Carpathians. The visit took place between 11- 14 of April. A joint Monitoring visit and Project Team meeting were hosted by VIS (Vzdělávací a informační středisko Bílé Karpaty) – one of two Czech organizations implementing the LIFE Apollo 2020 project. By reading this post, you will find out what we were doing in White Carpathians and why it was important to us and the protection of Parnassius apollo.

Not everything can happen on Zoom: visits in the field and in-person discussions

This in-person meeting was crucial to see the effects of our actions, raise questions, and discuss different solutions. It was valuable, to gather the international project team and host the project Monitor. Visiting together project sites- this time in White Carpathians, induced important discussions. Visits in the field allow conservation projects to discuss things which do not come up in the conference room. The conference room, allowed the team to summarise ideas, which emerged thanks to the field visits.

Czech and Slovakian sites in White Carpathians- visited

We have visited all together many sites together in the Czech White Carpathians where the project is implemented. We were accompanied by different experts on the Parnassius apollo species during these visits. Thanks to that it was assured that selected sites in White Carpathians (both on the Czech and Slovak sides) are suitable for the species and that the planned management measures can create conditions for the species to live. Strengthening of cooperation with Slovak partners is important not only in the context of obtaining individuals for the breeding farm od Apollo in White Carpathians but also to share knowledge on how to best take care of the species. We were happy to visit and learn in detail about Slovak Apollo butterfly sites, by zoologist Dušan Šácha from the State Nature Conservancy of the Slovak Republic.

Common monitoring practice before Apollo Season 2023

For the past months, we were working intensively on creating a Monitoring Protocol to monitor the situation of the species and its habitat in the project sites and get ready for Apollo season 2023.  To monitor the situation of Parnassius apollo and the impact of our project, we need to monitor and analyse a lot of different parameters. In aim to do that we combine different methods. Choosing the right set of methods, defining terms and adapting the methodology to the specificity of the terrain in different project sites- is crucial. This is essential, but not always obvious even an international team and great experts. Adapting the methodology to the territorial needs requires effort and time. Meeting in person in White Carpathians and Monitoring practice which took place in the field allowed us to gather information on adjustments needed in Czech sites.

Rajhrad School great example of effective environmental education

We also had a chance to watch young people during their class and educational activities and curricula implemented by the school with which our partners cooperate- Rajhrad School.

It was a great experience to watch those young people very engaged in the topic. This class together with the teacher used multiple educational techniques in their environmental class. All these techniques had a common base: engaging students together with the teacher in discussion, role play etc. It was learning- by doing approach put into practice. Also, curriculums for other age groups have been demonstrated during the meeting. Engaging with emotions in learning is a very effective learning approach and fun!

More learning by doing, and citizen science actions

We have discussed, as well our communication and educational aims for this year 2023, looking at our past experiences. Stay tuned for more learning by doing.

You can become part of our project by joining citizen science actions for Apollo!

Have a look at our get involved section on the website and follow us on social media!

Be ready for the 2023 Apollo season!


#followapollo and the efforts of our team! Combined skills in breeding, conservation of habitats, research, environmental education, and project management constitute a great combination for the success of our LIFE project

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Team Poland – Three organisations combine experience

Project leader- Karkonoski National Park (KPN), Klub Przyrodników (KP/Naturalists’ Club) and W. Szafer Institute of Botany at the Polish Academy of Science (IBPAN) constitute the Polish segment of the project team.

An experienced project leader: Karkonoski Park Narodowy

Karkonoski Park Narodowy is a public institution – one among 23 National Parks existing in Poland. KPN protects the so-called Karkonosze and their fauna and flora. Karkonosze Mountains are the part of Sudety Mountains in which Parnassius apollo became extinct in the XIX century. In 2007 KPN undertook first reintroduction attempts of the species in the area – by placing the eggs in an adequate environment. Next year the Park started to breed Parnassius apollo and release caterpillars and adult individuals. Now, thanks to the LIFE Apollo2020 project, KPN will be able to increase efforts on reintroduction, so as on the monitoring of the species and its feeding plants. 

Knowledge transfer in breeding and reintroduction experience

As part of the LIFE Apollo2020 project, Karkonoski National Park shares knowledge about the breeding of the Apollo butterfly with other partner organisations. Their knowledge serves as a foundation for establishing the methodology of monitoring Apollo in the project and its habitat. KPN plays also a very important role in knowledge transfer and in supporting the creation of new breeding stations. This year 2022,  eggs of Apollo travelled from KPN to the Czech Republic and to the new breeding station which is being established in Uniemyśl by Klub Przyrodników. Having multiple breeding stations and release points is a very important step toward creating metapopulations (groups of small populations) of Apollo. 

Co-lead: Klub Przyrodników

To be the first organisation in Poland that received funding from the LIFE Programme means years of experience and knowledge, which are crucial for a smooth project implementation.

Klub Przyrodników

Klub Przyrodników is a well-established association existing since 1989. It has an NGO status and unites environmentalists from the whole country. The Club implements a range of different conservation projects. It has two field stations – one in Owczary on the Polish-German border and the other one – in the South of the country, in Uniemyśl. A station in Uniemyśl will be developed during the project to facilitate the reintroduction of Parnassius apollo.  This is where a new breeding station for Apollo is located, and where Gardens for Apollo are being created, full of feeding plants for caterpillars and adult butterflies. Klub Przyrodników has a large range of responsibilities in the LIFE Apollo2020 project. KP together with KPN are responsible for the project management and coordinating the whole consortium. During the project, KP will open a new breeding station (already ongoing on the small scale), Garden for Apollo and Education Centre.

Research on the genetics of Parnassius apollo for the successful reintroduction

IBPAN –  W. Szafer Institute of Botany at the Polish Academy of Science is a third member of the Polish team. It is a well-recognised academic institution in Poland. In the project, they are participating through the work of dr Tomasz Suchan – a scientific researcher – focusing on the genetics of Parnassius apollo. Tomasz Suchan will sequence part of Apollo’s genome and will also research the population of the species in Europe – all that with the aim to inform successful reintroduction of the butterfly. Tomasz is also strongly supporting the Citizen Science component of the project.

Get to know the members of the Polish team

Magdalena Makowska
Project Manager
Julia Hava
Project management assistant
Kamila Grzesiak
Conservation actions
Anna Bator-Kocoł
Conservation actions
Grzegorz Hajnowski
Roman Rąpała
Dariusz Kuś
Project management
Tomasz Suchan
Anna Mitek
Krzysztof Kalemba
Aleksandra Puchtel
Project Assistant

#followapollo and the efforts of our team! Combined skills in breeding, conservation of habitats, research, environmental education, and project management constitute a great combination for the success of our LIFE project.

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