Dr Paweł Adamski is employed as an associate professor at the Institute of Nature Conservation, Polish Academy of Sciences. His scientific and applied work is focused on the ecology of endangered populations, particularly the implementation of metapopulation ecology in active animal conservation.
He has participated in several projects aimed at restoring animal populations, including the Apollo butterfly in the Pieniny National Park, Unio crassus (the freshwater mussel) in the Biała River, Yellow-bellied toad (Bombina variegata) in the Biała Valley, and Fire-bellied toad (Bombina bombina) in the Nida inland delta.
Paweł has been involved with the Apollo butterfly since 1993 when, as a student, he joined the project for the restoration of this species in the Pieniny National Park. In 2005, he became the scientific supervisor of the protection activities for this population.
In addition to his work in restoration ecology, Paweł is active in monitoring endangered insects, mainly butterflies, and identifying threat factors. Moreover, his scientific activity includes studies on the relationship between wildlife and tourism and recreational activities.